[From video description]
A live 30 minute magazine show for E4 called #OnTrend, featuring an #OnTrend hair VT, a catwalk featuring the latest festival clothing, a competition to win a trip to Paris and a band playing live in the Studio.
This was part of a module at Birmingham City University from the 2nd year Media and Communications students.
link to live feed from the gallery: https://www.facebook.com/athina.marini.3/videos/1096038323835754/
#OnTrend Pilot
Cabinet of Secrets Highlight Reel
Cabinet of Secrets was an event I planned and managed as part of a team in second year of university for MED5068 Event and Exhibition Production.
This highlight reel was filmed and edited by mefor use on social media after the event and as part of the evaluation process.
I also filmed and edited a series of interviews, viewable on my YouTube channel at the following address:
Migrants Documentary
Migrants Documentary
This mini documentary was created to be shown at a media festival on the theme 'migrants'. Rather then focusing on the negativity around immigration, we wanted to look at how immigration can be positive, both for the migrant and the country they move to.
This is an assessed piece for a university module; MED4102 Professional Media Practice, Birmingham City University.
Assessment 2 of the Live Radio module was to make several 15 minute shows to be broadcast live to the assessor. As my group consisted of 3 people including myself, we made 3 shows, taking it in turns to produce, present, and be tech op.
The show I was tech op for, was in the style of BBC West Midlands, and the show I presented was and Urban music show on Reprezent Radio.
As producer, we had to come up with the show idea, suitable music, and make sure it ran smoothly. I was also interviewed as the editor of PlayOn magazine as my show was about Video Game Soundtracks, as if it was on Kerrang! Radio.
Live Radio Two-Way Crosses
Assessment 1 of the Live Radio module was to, in pairs, create two reports that would cross as if they were live from a presenter in the studio to a reporter on location using the studio phones. Each person in the pair had to write a report that they would be the reporter for, and be the presenter for the other person's report. The presenter also had the task of managing the desk, making sure the music was played and the phone was working, as well as making sure it all recorded.